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Lechler S.p.A. acquire the control of the I.V.E. Group and set foot in the Brazilian market

Lechler S.p.A. acquire the control of the I.V.E. Group and set foot in the Brazilian market

Author: Anonym/Wednesday, June 26, 2013/Categories: News ed Eventi, Corporate

“Restarting the growth understanding the future”. In the Lechler SpA Strategic Plan emerges the need to restore turnover sales figures obtained before the economic crisis through industrial and commercial alliances.  In this intention, the society has acquired the control of  I.V.E. Industria Vernici Fermo Galbiati & C. S.r.l., controlling 80% of IVE do Brazil.

Europe is the natural territory of expansion for Lechler, but in spite of this the structural crisis in the UE market has pushed the Company towards other development projects in other continents through partnership able to share and deeply satisfy the strategic Plan.


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