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MACROFAN HS High Filler 4:1… high performances!

Author: Anonym/Wednesday, January 17, 2007/Categories: News ed Eventi

A new filler is now part of Lechler Macrofan HS family: High Filler 4:1, is born to meet and satisfy the demands of fast repair body repairers.

It is a High Solid filler with a V.O.C. lower than 540 gr/l, complying with the 2004/42/CE European legislation concerning emissions in the atmosphere. It has a fast drying (1h at 20C°), high filling power and high insulating properties. It is possible to make direct applications on a galvanized sheet, it has a good anti corrosive power and a very good sanding. MACROFAN HS High Filler is a high performing product and flexible in use. MACROFAN HS High Filler is available in two different grey variations representing the car producers most used undercoats colours. These two colours can be mixed together.

The Binder M7010 allows more than 400 original colours and encourages the top coats enamels covering which saves both on product and time.


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