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CONAI for Eco Design: Lechler is one of the award-winning companies for the creation and use of green packaging

CONAI for Eco Design: Lechler is one of the award-winning companies for the creation and use of green packaging

Author: Mannik Manoukian/Saturday, November 26, 2016/Categories: Refinish, Corporate

Milan, 23 November 2016, Triennale Exhibition – Sixty-seven companies were awarded by CONAI, Italian National Packaging Consortium, during the event Seven Green Awards organised under the patronage of the Ministry for the Environment. The prizes were given for creating and marketing innovative and Eco Sustainable Packaging solutions.

These are the final numbers of the 3rd edition of the “CONAI Prevention Competition – Enhance the environmental sustainability of packaging” in which Lechler participated by presenting the project, drawings and characteristics of our secondary Hydrofan packaging, the water-based system designed for the Refinish sector.

The 74 prize winners achieved an actual reduction in the environmental impact of packaging with about 20% less CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, besides an 18% reduction in energy consumption and 22% water saving!

A communication campaign that will also discuss Lechler’s case will be published in the insert Corriere Innovazione of the Corriere della Sera next year!


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