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Lechler participates in the 21st edition of Interplastica, International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber

Lechler participates in the 21st edition of Interplastica, International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber

Author: Gianni Foietta/Monday, January 22, 2018/Categories: Industry, Eventi


Since the 50ies plastic has been the most widely used material in the fields of design, fashion and even of art. Then polypropylene, developed in the 60ies thanks to the researches of the Italian genius Giulio Natta, marked the beginning of new unlimited opportunities and applications in industrial design.

Almost 70 years later plastic is still the undisputed protagonist of design.

With “plastic” we actually mean an almost limitless range of polymers created with different technologies which aim constantly to improve their functionality, for example in terms of workability and resistance.

Whereas in the past items in plastic were realized on a large scale through moulding extrusion systems, today its application in high-design and luxury contexts requires usage of liquid paints by virtue of a quality improvement and an extraordinary variety of finishes, effects and colours which we can obtain with them. 

For this reason Lechler is taking Color Design project to the International Trade Fair INTERPLASTICA, presenting the most popular colours and finishes for industrial products, designed in cooperation with the colour designer Francesca Valan.

The Color Design project combines perfectly with the needs of industrial enterprises and designers that develop always more frequently multi-material products and find it difficult to keep colour unchanged on different substrates or are even compelled to talk to various suppliers.

Furthermore, within Interplastica, a trade fair of international interest, we must remind ourselves that Color Design is a “Made in Italy” project, a feature that is always in high regard in design field.


23-26 January 2018
Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya, 14. EXPOCENTER.
Pavilion 2, Hall 2, booth E30


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