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March 2018 - It's time to update your COLOR MATCH EXPLORER software

March 2018 - It's time to update your COLOR MATCH EXPLORER software

Author: Giovanni Berlusconi/Wednesday, March 21, 2018/Categories: Software & Instruments, Color Match Explorer

We both know the World of Colors is still in continuous evolution, that's why we periodically make a deep maintenance to our software to grants you having in your hands tools always in-line with your expectations.

This time we put our hands into Color Match Explorer, our software for spectrophotometric color search.
Thanks to the technical evolution of our partner, and to your useful suggestions, we were able to improve the "Color Matching" engine which stands in the heart of the software.

Software and Database Updates can be downloaded from Lechler Portal (registration is completely free) in the section titled DOWNLOAD AREA (TAI) >>> COLOR MATCH EXPLORER.
Double click on the icon of the file that interests you to start the automatic download.

Once done, you must copy this file on the desktop of the PC where Color Match Explorer is installed and run it (another double click) to automatically update the database.

These contents are only visible to registered users on the LECHLER PORTAL that have entered on the MY PROFILE page the correct serial number of their CME spectrophotometer.



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