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New tinters in the BSB HS/HP BASECOAT system

New tinters in the BSB HS/HP BASECOAT system

Author: Gianni Foietta/Monday, October 26, 2020/Categories: Refinish


The evolution of new colours is moving towards an increasing offer of special and diverse effects. This includes a further extension of the use of special effect aluminium pigments. Hence, to offer the best possible reproduction of these new colours through our tintometric system the following new tinters are now available.

The new tinter 61410 containing “glass chips” is used to formulate some colours ensuring very special optical effects, while the new effect aluminium pigment 61423 is mainly used to formulate blue colours.

All colour formulations realised to date are already available in the software Lechler MAP, after updating via Internet, or by consulting Lechler MAP WEB or Lechler MAPP on devises such as PC/tablet/smartphone.

We remind you that the placing on the market of the BSB HS/HP Basecoat system is not allowed to car repair body shops, but it is possible only for some specific destinations according to the directive 2004/42/CE and relevant national laws.


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