
Lechler Products Catalogue for Habitat

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New collection products & effects

New collection products & effects

Author: Gianni Foietta/Thursday, July 1, 2021/Categories: Industry

A complete, reviewed and updated collection of aesthetical effects (from matt to gloss) and haptic effects (micaceous iron, orange peel, embossed,
hammered, soft-touch and textured effects with different grain sizes), which can be obtained with products from solvent-based Lechsys and Lechsys Effect
systems and with the water-borne Lechsys Hydro system.
The new proposal offers a light and pocket-sized format, which is easy to handle.
It’s a practical and effective tool to best orientate the choice of distributors and users among the various proposals obtainable with products from the Lechler
Tech line.


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