
Lechler Products Catalogue for Habitat

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safety data sheet
Lechler riconosce a 11 ragazzi la borsa di studio intitolata al ricordo dell’Ing. Noubar Manoukian

Lechler riconosce a 11 ragazzi la borsa di studio intitolata al ricordo dell’Ing. Noubar Manoukian

Ancora una volta si è tenuta l'annuale cerimonia di consegna delle borse di studio ai figli meritevoli dei dipendenti dei siti italiani di Lechler.

Thursday, February 3, 2022/Author: Gianni Foietta/Number of views (5039)/Comments (0)/
On October 4th, the Center for Excellence in Como reopens

On October 4th, the Center for Excellence in Como reopens

The Center for Excellence in Como officially reopens its doors for visits and face-to-face courses.
Close again, but safely.

Friday, September 10, 2021/Author: Mannik Manoukian/Number of views (31077)/Comments (0)/
TOP EMPLOYERS 2017 - Lechler has been awarded the much longed for certificate for the third consecutive year, along with another 78 Italian companies

TOP EMPLOYERS 2017 - Lechler has been awarded the much longed for certificate for the third consecutive year, along with another 78 Italian companies

For 2017 Lechler is also the winner of the “Top Employers Italia” acknowledgement for the high quality work environment. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017/Author: Mannik Manoukian/Number of views (47427)/Comments (0)/
LECHLER blue for IVECO’s innovative STRALIS

LECHLER blue for IVECO’s innovative STRALIS

The semi-matt metallic blue of the latest IVECO truck, model Stralis, has been entirely created by Lechler!

Monday, February 6, 2017/Author: Mannik Manoukian/Number of views (78096)/Comments (0)/
Il Colore, emozione primaria: il progetto Color Trainer per la scelta del colore in architettura

Il Colore, emozione primaria: il progetto Color Trainer per la scelta del colore in architettura

Questo è il titolo del seminario promosso dall’ordine degli Architetti di Rimini, che avrà luogo a Rimini, il prossimo 8 Febbraio.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017/Author: Mannik Manoukian/Number of views (23202)/Comments (0)/