
Lechler Products Catalogue for Habitat

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technical sheet
safety data sheet
Lo storico Cinema Astra di Como riapre le porte ad una nuova era!

Lo storico Cinema Astra di Como riapre le porte ad una nuova era!

Grazie al contributo di molti volenterosi capitanati da Paolo Lipari, noto regista comasco, lo storico Cinema Astra riapre i battenti, ma questa volta con una vitalità rinnovata ed un restyling tutto da vedere.

Monday, December 18, 2017/Author: Mannik Manoukian/Number of views (18206)/Comments (0)/
Da domani si aprono le porte dei laboratori Lechler per la Città dei Balocchi… per un magico Natale pieno di stelle!

Da domani si aprono le porte dei laboratori Lechler per la Città dei Balocchi… per un magico Natale pieno di stelle!

Grande fermento per la nuova sessione dei laboratori sul colore che Lechler porterà da domani alla Pinacoteca di Como.

Monday, December 11, 2017/Author: Mannik Manoukian/Number of views (20254)/Comments (0)/
Tags: Italy
Our President was hosted by RTL 102.5 – the radio channel that records the largest audience in Italy

Our President was hosted by RTL 102.5 – the radio channel that records the largest audience in Italy

Aram Manoukian was a guest on “Il post in fabbrica”, RTL 102.5’s feature hosted by Francesco Delzio in partnership with Confindustria. This 30-minute broadcast is on the air every Wednesday as part of the radio show NoStopNews anchored by Fulvio Giuliani and Pierluigi Diaco.

Thursday, December 7, 2017/Author: Mannik Manoukian/Number of views (17822)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Corporate
Lechler ranks among the leading companies to be awarded the certificates ISO 9001-2015 and 14001-2015

Lechler ranks among the leading companies to be awarded the certificates ISO 9001-2015 and 14001-2015

Lechler has obtained Renewal of the Quality and Environmental Management Systems Certificates ISO 9001-2015 and 14001-2015, which confirm total compliance of all Lechler S.p.A. certified sites.

Monday, October 9, 2017/Author: Gianni Foietta/Number of views (45055)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Corporate
Waves of Light by Lisa Borgiani

Waves of Light by Lisa Borgiani

Waves of Light is the latest fascinating initiative launched by an art dealer to improve the psychological wellbeing of patients at the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the San Raffele Hospital in Milan.

Monday, October 9, 2017/Author: Mannik Manoukian/Number of views (64544)/Comments (0)/